An Unexpected Chicken Stew

This may not be a stew by definition, but this raw chicken, became that pretty soupy stewy looking surprise!

So I started off like this… Absolutely no idea of what I wanted this to be…

Easiest dinner to prep in the morning in a slow cooker:

Chopped: eggplant, zucchini, onion, red and yellow peppers, garlic, cup of h2o, can of tomato sauce, whole chicken, tspn vinegar, tsp sugar, olive oil, s&p + slow cook 6 hours = deliciousness!

The Raw Part of the Chicken – in the slow cooker

So 6 hours later the chicken is barely staying on the bone – so I poured it into a bowl going for the soup idea and the picture defined it as a stew. Whatever it is… it’s gooood. No, like goooood. No like real goooood!!

Chicken Soup Stew 8 )

2 thoughts on “An Unexpected Chicken Stew

  1. Pingback: Tuscan Chicken Stew -

  2. Pingback: Stewing Hens — Family Friendly Farm

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