Filed under Prep Dinner during Breakfast

An Unexpected Chicken Stew

An Unexpected Chicken Stew

This may not be a stew by definition, but this raw chicken, became that pretty soupy stewy looking surprise! So I started off like this… Absolutely no idea of what I wanted this to be… Easiest dinner to prep in the morning in a slow cooker: Chopped: eggplant, zucchini, onion, red and yellow peppers, garlic, … Continue reading

Slow cooked corned beef brisket

Slow cooked corned beef brisket

Another easy dinner morning prep. Took 15 minutes to throw this in and rub the beef. 8 hours in the slow cooker, and then I’m making cole slaw reubens after work… Yummmmmo!! In a slow cooker, place thick slices of red or white onion to cover the bottom. Pile that with a bunch of broken … Continue reading